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A set of famous sayings together, quotes pictures

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Famous old age quotes and sayings

"None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm."
~ Henry David Thoreau

"Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese."
~ Billie Burke

"There's no such thing as old age, there is only sorrow."
~ Edith Wharton

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
~ Abraham Lincoln

"It is so comic to hear oneself called old, even at ninety I suppose!"
~ Alice James

"I want to die young at a ripe old age."
~ Ashley Montagu

"The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy."
~ Helen Hayes

"Age does not protect you from love, but love to some extent protects you from age."
~ Jeanne Moreau

"First you are young; then you are middle-aged; then you are old; then you are wonderful."
~ Lady Diana Cooper

"You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old"
~ George Burns

1 Comment:

Master Couponz said...

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